The goal of this blog post is to understand "what my CNN model is looking at". People call this visualization of the filters. But more precisely, what I will do here is to visualize the input images that maximizes (sum of the) activation map (or feature map) of the filters. I will visualize the filters of deep learning models for two different applications:
- Facial landmark detection
- Classification
For the facial landmark detection, I will visualize the filters of the model that was trained and described in my previous post Achieving Top 23% in Kaggle's Facial Keypoints Detection with Keras + Tensorflow. For the classification, I will use the VGG16.
Once again, I will follow the two great blog posts: Shinya's Kerasで学ぶ転移学習 and Keras's official blog.
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import read_csv
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
## These files must be downloaded from Keras website and saved under data folder
Use a single GPU
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.95
config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = "2"
#### 1 GPU1
#### 2 GPU2
#### 0 GPU3
#### 4 GPU4
Load the previously trained model¶
Model 4 was the best among all considered single models in previous analysis. I will load Model 4.
- Create alias "input_img". This is the 96 pixcel x 96 pixcel image input for the deep learning model.
- "layer_names" is a list of the names of layers to visualize.
- "layer_dict" contains model layers
model.summary() shows the deep learning architecture.
from keras.models import model_from_json
def load_model(name):
model = model_from_json(open(name+'_architecture.json').read())
model.load_weights(name + '_weights.h5')
model = load_model("model4")
input_img = model.layers[0].input
layer_names = ["conv2d_22","conv2d_23","conv2d_24"]
layer_dict = dict([(, layer) for layer in model.layers])
Functions to maximize the activation layer¶
import numpy as np
from keras import backend as K
class VisualizeImageMaximizeFmap(object):
def __init__(self,pic_shape):
pic_shape : a dimention of a single picture e.g., (96,96,1)
self.pic_shape = pic_shape
def find_n_feature_map(self,layer_name,max_nfmap):
shows the number of feature maps for this layer
only works if the layer is CNN
n_fmap = None
for layer in model.layers:
if == layer_name:
weights = layer.get_weights()
if n_fmap is None:
print(layer_name + " is not one of the layer names..")
n_fmap = 1
n_fmap = np.min([max_nfmap,n_fmap])
def find_image_maximizing_activation(self,iterate,input_img_data,
n_iter = 30):
The input image is scaled to range between 0 and 1
picorig : True if the picture image for input is original scale
ranging between 0 and 225
False if the picture image for input is ranging [0,1]
input_img_data = np.random.random((1,
if picorig:
## if the original picture is unscaled and ranging between (0,225),
## then the image values are centered around 123 with STD=25
input_img_data = input_img_data*25 + 123
## I played with this step value but the final image looks to be robust
step = 500
# gradient ascent
loss_values = []
for i in range(n_iter):
loss_value, grads_value = iterate([input_img_data, 0])
input_img_data += grads_value * step
def create_iterate(self,input_img, layer_output,filter_index):
layer_output[:,:,:,0] is (Nsample, 94, 94) tensor contains:
W0^T [f(image)]_{i,j}], i = 1,..., 94, j = 1,..., 94
layer_output[:,:,:,1] contains:
W1^T [f(image)]_{i,j}], i = 1,..., 94, j = 1,..., 94
W0 and W1 are different kernel!
## loss is a scalar
if len(layer_output.shape) == 4:
## conv layer
loss = K.mean(layer_output[:, :, :, filter_index])
elif len(layer_output.shape) ==2:
## fully connected layer
loss = K.mean(layer_output[:, filter_index])
# calculate the gradient of the loss evaluated at the provided image
grads = K.gradients(loss, input_img)[0]
# normalize the gradients
grads /= (K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(grads))) + 1e-5)
# iterate is a function taking (input_img, scalar) and output [loss_value, gradient_value]
iterate = K.function([input_img, K.learning_phase()], [loss, grads])
def deprocess_image(self,x):
# standardize to have a mean 0 and std 0.1
x -= x.mean()
x /= (x.std() + 1e-5)
x *= 0.1
# Shift x to have a mean 0.5 and std 0.1
# This means 95% of the x should be in between 0 and 1
# if x is normal
x += 0.5
x = np.clip(x, 0, 1)
# resclar the values to range between 0 and 255
x *= 255
x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
return x
def find_images(self,input_img,layer_names,layer_dict, max_nfmap,
Input :
input_img : the alias of the input layer from the deep learning model
layer_names : list containing the name of the layers whose feature maps to be used
layer_dict : symbolic outputs of each "key" layer (we gave them unique names).
max_nfmap : the maximum number of feature map to be used for each layer.
pic_shape : For example pic_shape = (96,96,1)
Output :
key = layer name
value = a list containing the tuple of (images, list of loss_values) that maximize each feature map
argimage = {}
## Look for the image for each feature map of each layer one by one
for layer_name in layer_names: ## the layer to visualize
n_fmap = self.find_n_feature_map(layer_name,max_nfmap)
layer_output = layer_dict[layer_name].output
result = self.find_images_for_layer(input_img,
argimage[layer_name] = result
def find_images_for_layer(self,input_img,layer_output,indecies,
indecies : list containing index of
--> filtermaps of CNN or
--> nodes of fully-connected layer
a list containing the tuple of (images, list of loss_values)
that maximize each feature map
result_temp = []
for filter_index in indecies: # filtermap to visualize
iterate = self.create_iterate(input_img, layer_output,filter_index)
input_img_data, loss_values = self.find_image_maximizing_activation(
def plot_images_wrapper(self,argimage,n_row = 8, scale = 1):
scale : scale up or down the plot size
pic_shape = self.pic_shape
if pic_shape[2] == 1:
pic_shape = self.pic_shape[:2]
layer_names = np.sort(argimage.keys())
for layer_name in layer_names:
n_fmap = len(argimage[layer_name])
n_col = np.ceil(n_fmap/float(n_row))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_col*scale,
plt.title(layer_name + " n_featuremap=" + str(n_fmap))
count = 1
for value in argimage[layer_name]:
input_img_data = value[0][0]
img = self.deprocess_image(input_img_data)
ax = fig.add_subplot(n_row,n_col,count,
count += 1
For each feature map from each CNN layer, we look for the image that maximizes the sum of the feature maps.¶
Look for the 96 pixcel x 96 pixcel image that maximize:
$ \textrm{argmax}_{image} \sum_{\textrm{kernel}} \boldsymbol{W}^T \left[ f(image) \right]_{\textrm{kernel}} $
- $\boldsymbol{W}$ is a "filter", vector of length kernel_size[0] * kernel_size[1]. For example, for conv1, kernel_size=(4,4).
- $\sum_{\textrm{kernel}}$ The sum goes over 94 windows, running over the picture for conv1.
max_nfmap determines the number of feature maps from each layer to use for analysis.
- First layer distinguish colours.
- Some of the first images seem to have duplicated infomation (same colour). So maybe we can reduce the number of featuremap while keeping the same model performance.
- The 2nd and the 3rd layer get excited with more complex images.
max_nfmap = np.Inf ## print ALL the images
visualizer = VisualizeImageMaximizeFmap(pic_shape = (96,96,1))
print("find images that maximize feature maps")
argimage = visualizer.find_images(input_img,
print("plot them...")
visualizer.plot_images_wrapper(argimage,n_row = 8, scale = 1)
Did the gradient ascent converge?¶
In Kaggle's official blog, the number of iterations for the gradient ascent is set to as low as 20. Do I really find the best image that maximizes the sum of the feature map? To answer to this question, I plotted the sum of the feature map over iterations.
Not suprisingly, the gradient ascent did not converge at all!! I run the codes several times and look at different best images found by the gradient ascent (i.e., run the codes in the previous cell several times). It seems that the best image obtained and plotted above are virtually the same even when the algorithm did not coverge. I guess there are various numerical solutions to this optimization but they are vertually the same image after rescaling.
const = 1
n_row = 8
for layer_name in layer_names:
n_fmap = len(argimage[layer_name])
n_col = np.ceil(n_fmap/float(n_row))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_col*const,n_row*const))
plt.title(layer_name + " n_featuremap=" + str(n_fmap))
for count , value in enumerate(argimage[layer_name]):
objective = value[1]
ax = fig.add_subplot(n_row,n_col,count+1,
Visualizing VGG16¶
Let's learn to visualize layers of deep learning model for classification problem. Here I use VGG model following the discussion of Keras's official blog. VGG16 (also called OxfordNet) is a convolutional neural network architecture named after the Visual Geometry Group from Oxford, who developed it. It was used to win the ILSVR (ImageNet) competition in 2014.
Due to the proxy problem I cannot download and bulid model using keras.applications.VGG16 so here I take manual approach.
Step 1: Downloading data from Github. This is a massive .h5 file (57MB).
Step 2: The source code of keras.applications.VGG16 is available. It seems that we can manually set the weights to be the one locally available.
ls "vgg16"*
Some observations:¶
- Input shape is (None, None, None, 3).
This (probablly) means that the sample size and the frame sizes can be specified later. But the channel (RGB) is specified at the 3rd dimention and it must be 3? Keras's official blog sets the 1st dimention for the RGB specification i.e., (None,3,None,None). According to the Keras's documentation about VGG16, you are allowed to chose the channel to come to the last dimention or the first dimention. But where can I set the dimention? I found my answer in K.image_data_format(). It shows that the default setting is 'channels_last'. Therefore, it makes sense that the VGG16 has 3 as the last dimention.
import keras.backend as K
from keras.applications import VGG16
model = VGG16(include_top=False,weights=None)
## load the locally saved weights
## show the deep learning model
input_img = model.layers[0].input
# get the symbolic outputs of each "key" layer (we gave them unique names).
layer_dict = dict([(, layer) for layer in model.layers])
Here the max_nfmap is set to a low number because the number of feature maps is as large as 512 for block5, and this is too many to plot. Notice that although the frame size is set to (96, 96, 3), the frame size can be different: as long as the width and height are larger than 48. Great flexibility of deep learning model :D. This flexilibity is also discussed in the Kaggle's blog.
"Note that we only go up to the last convolutional layer --we don't include fully-connected layers. The reason is that adding the fully connected layers forces you to use a fixed input size for the model (224x224, the original ImageNet format). By only keeping the convolutional modules, our model can be adapted to arbitrary input sizes."
I observe similar results as Keras's official blog:
- The first layer encode direction (looks diagonal lines) and color.
- Later layers mix the direction and colors together.
- Later layers look more complex and very staticy.
layer_names = ["block1_conv1","block1_conv2",
## (196, 196, 3) , (96,96,3)
visualizer = VisualizeImageMaximizeFmap(pic_shape = (48,48,3))
max_nfmap = 3
argimage = visualizer.find_images(input_img,
visualizer.plot_images_wrapper(argimage,n_row = 1, scale = 3)
Use the full VGG16 models¶
Finding an input that maximizes a specific class¶
In the facial landmark detection application, I did not visualize the final output layer. This is because knowing which image can maximize the x (or y) coordinate of the eye center does not give much insite about the model. On the other hand, visualizing the final output layer gives interesting insights in the classification application, because knowing the which image can maximize the probability of being in one of the specific class is interesting.
Following Keras's official blog, we will find the images that maximize specific classes. Once again, I download weights from here. This weight is 10 times larger! (528 MB). This makes sense because the weights with top fully connected layer contains 138,357,544 parameters while the weights without the top layers contains 10 times less parameters (14,714,688 parameters).
ls "vgg16_weights_tf_dim"*
Notice that the input dimention is set to (None, 224, 224, 3), indicating that our input image needs to have this size
model = VGG16(include_top=True,weights=None)
input_img = model.layers[0].input
layer_dict = dict([(, layer) for layer in model.layers])
It would be interesting to learn what kind of image can maximize the probability of picture having cats or dogs. The visualization becomes more interesting if we know the actual label/meaning of each of the 1000 classes.
So before going into the details of the visualization, I extract the labels of each 1000 classes. These classes are saved as a json object at here. This json object is used internally from the method keras.applications.vgg16.decode_predictions().
ls imagenet_class_index.json
import json
CLASS_INDEX = json.load(open("imagenet_class_index.json"))
classlabel = []
for i in range(1000):
classlabel = np.array(classlabel)
List all 1000 classes in order¶
- It is interesting to know that many of the class labels are related to dogs.
- As Keras's public blog says the 65th class is sea snake class and the 18th magpie.
for i, lab in enumerate(classlabel):
print("{:4.0f}: {:30}".format(i,str(lab))),
if i % 3 == 2:
Is VGG16 doing its job?¶
Before visualizing the fully-connected layer's filters, I check if VGG16 is doing its highly-reputated job. I took a picture of a dog from Google image, and see if the VGG16 can predict the picture correctly.
VGG16 correctly guesses that the picture has a dog! Amazingly, it also guesses the type of the dog correctly!
from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img
from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array
image = load_img('./dog.jpg', target_size=(224, 224,3))
image = img_to_array(image) #output Numpy-array
y_pred = model.predict(image.reshape(1,image.shape[0],image.shape[1],image.shape[2])).flatten()
## top 5 selected classes
top = 5
chosen_classes = classlabel[ np.argsort( y_pred )[::-1][:top] ]
print("The top {} labels".format(top))
for myclass in chosen_classes:
myprob = y_pred[classlabel==myclass][0]
print("{:30} prob={:4.3}".format(myclass,myprob))
Visualization of the filters of the final output layers¶
Finally, I visualize the filters of output layers. Here I choose the following 4 output classes for visualization.
- sea snake (just like Keras's official blog)
- magpie (just like Keras's official blog)
- bee eater
- pillow
The following codes look a bit complicated because of the double loop. The first loop goes over the four classes. The next while loop iterates until the gradient-ascent algorithm "converges". In comparisons to my Model 4, VGG16 is more complex (with about 17 times more parameters (17=138357544/8051502)). Therefore the simple gradient ascent algorithm yield quite different pictures every time it runs with different initial start image. As the solution to this optimization problem is not unique, it is expected to have a different images as the solution. However, the resulting picture should yield the probability of belonging to the corresponding class to be very high, as high as 1. Otherwise, it is most likely that the algorithm did not converge.
From the trial and error, I found that the convergence (in terms of the probability of belonging to the class = 1) depends highly on the initial start image. For these reasons, my code runs until it finds the image that yieled high probability of belonging to the class.
I was able to find pictures with 100% probability of being sea snake, magpie, cliff or siamang!
The pictures that I found look a bit different from the one found by Keras's official blog. Expectedly.
The sea snake image seems to have some curvy texture?
- The magpie image looks to have a texture of feather ... ? some beaks? If you say so.
- Do I see the colourful bee eater at the center?
- The pillow image looks soft and fluffy..
I would not classify any of these pictures into sea snake or magpie! I wonder what would happen if I label them as not-sea-snake or not-magie, include as parts of the training data and retrain the models. (Is this the idea of GAN? Something I would love to learn.) But I guess CNN look at pictures differently. I will conclude this blog by quoting the comments from Keras's official blog:
we should refrain from our natural tendency to anthropomorphize them and believe that they "understand", say, the concept of dog, or the appearance of a magpie, just because they are able to classify these objects with high accuracy. They don't, at least not to any any extent that would make sense to us humans.
layer_output = layer_dict["predictions"].output
out_index = [65, 18, 92, 721]
for i in out_index:
visualizer = VisualizeImageMaximizeFmap(pic_shape = (224,224,3))
images = []
probs = []
myprob = 0
n_alg = 0
while(myprob < 0.9):
myimage = visualizer.find_images_for_layer(input_img,layer_output,[i],
y_pred = model.predict(myimage[0][0]).flatten()
myprob = y_pred[i]
n_alg += 1
print("The total number of times the gradient ascent needs to run: {}".format(n_alg))
argimage = {"prediction":[myimage]}
print("{} probability:".format(classlabel[i])),
visualizer.plot_images_wrapper(argimage,n_row = 1, scale = 4)